icon Amazon Product Mapping

The purpose of the Amazon Product Mapper is to allow you to map your stores products to available Amazon listings that appear on Amazon already. By linking to the most popular listings of a product, you can achieve the most exposure of a product.

  • Filter Products by brand or category
  • Ignore products that you do not want to upload
  • Change your selling price
  • Create pricing formulas
  • Set a custom ASIN
  • Selecting An Item Type
  • Search for individual skus
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As a SellerCentral Merchant, you may have the ability to create your own Amazon pages for products that are currently not selling on Amazon, and may also have the ability to obtain the buy button regardless of your competition on any product. These conditions depend on your Amazon account level and the category that you are authorized to sell products in.

icon Rapid Product Listing with One Click

When setting a default item type, a user has the option to set all products on the page according to one of 2 specific rules. You can set all products on a page that show up as "A Match". This means that the product on Amazon.com has been deemed the same as the merchants product either matching on UPC of Manufacturer's Part Number (MPN). You can also set all the products on a page that show up as "No Results". This means that based on your specified search terms, there were no products on Amazon that match your product. As long as your account has appropriate permissions to create new pages, you can list in this manner.

iconAutomatically Listing New products with the Mapping Wizard

Amazon Management can be configured to Automatically list your stores products onto Amazon. Using a combination of filters to eliminate certain products, along with item type assignment according to your stores categories, you can set new products to automatically list onto Amazon using the new Amazon Automated Mapping Wizard. The wizard can even automate the listing of products with variations. The end result gives you a completely automated process of listing your products on Amazon!

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iconParent / Child Relationships

When searching for a product (in Apparel as an example), you will be required to link to the child ASIN that specifically refers to the items color or size. These child ASINs are not displayed anywhere on Amazon.com, so doing this link manually would normally be very difficult.

However, if you enter in a parent ASIN (displayed on any product on Amazon.com) it will check if there any child ASINs and if so display the corresponding options as available.

It is also possible to add a new child to a parent that does not have the same child product that you are selling. The Automatic Mapping Wizard can even be configured to automate listings with parent / child relationships onto Amazon.

You are just 3 steps away

  • 1. Sign-Up
  • 2. Verify E-commerce Info
  • 3. Use right away